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Double Chocolate Pancakes

Double Chocolate Pancakes are no different from your favorite double chocolate cake. These can even serve as a birthday morning cake when you place a candle on its top. True chocolate lovers will immediately want to indulge in these very tempting chocolate loaded pancakes.

Double Chocolate Pancakes are very close to your favorite chocolate cake. Much easier and quicker! - giverecipe.com

These double chocolate pancakes are more like a dessert, so it’s up to you to have these in the morning or at five oc’clock tea in the afternoon. Besides the cocoa powder, the pancake batter has some chocolate chips and the pancakes are topped with chocolate ganache which makes these double chocolate flavored and thus divine.

The batter doesn’t have much sugar as the sweetness of chocolate ganache will be enough. However if you are planning to leave the ganache out, you need to add some more sugar when mixing the batter or dust the pancakes with powdered sugar when serving.

Double Chocolate Pancakes are very close to your favorite chocolate cake. Much easier and quicker! - giverecipe.com
Double Chocolate Pancakes are very close to your favorite chocolate cake. Much easier and quicker! - giverecipe.com

1 large egg
3 tablespoons sugar
1 cup milk
1/4 cup sunflower oil
1 and 1/3 cups flour
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup raspberries for garnish

Chocolate ganache:
  • 100ml heavy cream
  • 100g chocolate chips
  1. Start with making chocolate ganache so that it cools down until you finish frying pancakes. Heat heavy cream in a saucepan. Remove from heat once it simmers. You can watch the ganache video above.
  2. Pour over chocolate chips and let it sit for 5 minutes without stirring. Then whisk them well until it turns into a smooth and silky ganache. Wait it until it reaches room temperature before pouring it over pancakes.
  3. To make pancakes, in a medium bowl whisk together egg and sugar until creamy. Add in milk and sunflower oil, whisk until combined well.
  4. In another bowl whisk dry ingredients and sift it into the wet ingredients. Whisk until combined well. IT will be a thick batter. Fold in chocolate chips.
  5. Heat a pano ver medium heat and either spread a little butter over it or brush with a little sunflower oil. Scoop the batter onto the panusing a 1/4 cup for each pancake. Cook until you see bubbles on the top, for about 1 minute or so. Flip them over and cook for another 1 minute. Repeat this until you finish the batter.
  6. Stack the pancakes on a plate and pour chocolate ganache over them. Let the chocolate flow down. Wait for 2-3 minutes so that the ganache sets a bit and then top with raspberries. Serve immediately.
Double Chocolate Pancakes are very close to your favorite chocolate cake. Much easier and quicker! - giverecipe.com