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Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Rolls

These are a cross between a loaf and pull-apart rolls. By baking them together, you'll get some nice soft sides. These freeze well!
Sweet rolls, filled with cinnamon and sugar and topped with a maple glaze. Perfect to wake up to!

Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Rolls with Maple Glaze


  • Dough:
  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 2 1/4 tsp. dry active or instant yeast
  • 3/4 cup warm milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 3 1/4 - 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

  • Filling:
  • 4 Tbsp. butter, softened
  • 4 Tbsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup white sugar

  • Glaze:
  • 2 cups icing (confectioners) sugar
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 3-4 Tbsp. brewed coffee, cooled

  1. For the dough: Add the yeast to the warm water and milk and allow to stand for 5 minutes, until frothy. Add to a large bowl or the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the kneading hook. Add the egg, butter, sugar and salt and mix. Add 2 1/2 cups of the flour and knead until well combined. Add additional flour in 1/4 cup increments, as needed, until you have a smooth dough. Remove to a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled, about 60-75 minutes.
  2. For the filling: Combine cinnamon with white sugar and mix well. Set aside. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Preheat oven to 375° F.
  3. Once dough has risen, place onto a lightly floured surface and deflate gently. Divide dough in to 4 equal pieces. Roll each piece in to a thin circle. Repeat with all four pieces. (Circles will be 12-14 inches. It's not super important the exact size, as long as all for are roughly the same size). Take one circle. Brush with softened butter and sprinkle with about 1/3 of the sugar/cinnamon filling. Place another circle on top. Brush with butter and sprinkle with 1/3 of sugar/cinnamon filling. Repeat with third circle, brushing with butter and sprinkling with the last of the sugar/cinnamon filling. Top with last circle. You should now have a stack, with the top surface bare. With a really sharp knife, cut the circle in to 8 triangle pieces by cutting the whole circle in half top to bottom, then cutting each half-circle in half and then cutting each piece in half again, for 8 pieces.
  4. Shaping rolls: With each triangle, using a sharp knife, cut a slit down the middle of each one, starting 1/2 inch from the pointed end, to within 1/2 inch of the wide end. Take the tip of the triangle and slide it underneath, then up through the slit and then pull it back towards where it started. Repeat with each of the 8 triangles. Line all the triangles up side by side, alternating the points, along the centre of your prepared baking sheet.
  5. Brush top of loaf with a bit of milk and sprinkle with some granulated sugar. Let rest for 10-15 minutes, then pop in to preheated 375° F. oven.
  6. Bake for 20-25 minutes, checking at 15 minutes for browning and cover loosely with aluminum foil, if necessary. Remove loaf on parchment to a wire cooling rack to cool.
  7. Prepare glaze: Add maple syrup to icing sugar. Add enough coffee to make a thin glaze. Drizzle over rolls once they have cooled.
Cinnamon Sugar Pull-apart Loaf with Maple Glaze